Bridge keeps us vibrant and young at heart ❤️ Celebrating together! 

90’s + Club

 Glory Hallelujah!  

Our friends celebrate 90 plus years with us!




Patsy Howell is 90!


 Patsy shares her birthday with Sandi Mills...both celebrate their Dec 23rd birthdays

...a few years apart!




Joan Wold turns 93!




Millie Perner reaches 90!  


Millie & Joan...181 years between these two fabulous women! 


Ruth Wood...

we want more than 94! 



John Taylor...

the glorious years add up!

98 in 2023!!



. ' '


BILL DeGEORGE turns 90! 


80’s …Deluxe Life Masters!


Bob Dowlen turns 80!  


The Last Birthdays

We are always saddened by the loss of one of our bridge friends. The below are photos are lovely reminders that we were once graced by the presence of these friends~


Otilla Magee celebrated her last birthday with us when she turned 97. With some of her friends

Mark Incerto, Marion McKernan, Rubin Chang


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