Advancement Party April 2024

Advancements between Sept 2023 and April 2024

From Rookie Russ Hall to Diamond Life Master Steve Vaughn 

So much success to celebrate!




Junior Master 

George Edwards




Club Master

Steve Bolinger 



Regional Master

John Doyle




NABC Masters

Edna Rice 


Terrie Becker



Beryl Booker 


David Good




Advanced NABC Masters

Ann Bragg


Scott Koehler 


Cindy Schaefer




Vera Annenkova




Bronze Life Masters

Lynn Hershey 


Ken Hudson


Madhu Moza


Paul Shack 




Silver Life Masters

Bill Churchman 


Mark Incerto 


Ronnie Martin 



Gold Life Master

Naomi Spicer 



Sapphire Life Master

Jim Ochsner



Diamond Life Master

Steve Vaughn



We are missing some photos...please help us get one when we see you at the club!  The following can take your photo for uploads: Sandi Mills, Cindy Cox, Sherry Scoggins

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Advancement Party



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