The mission of Clear Lake Bridge Club is to provide playing opportunities for members and guests as well as promote educational opportunities that encourage new players to enjoy the game of bridge. We offer weekday and weekend games for experts and beginners...come join the fun!
Membership dues are: $25.00/year. CLBC has about 300 Members who are all eager to welcome you to the world of duplicate bridge.
We are located at:
Phone: 281-480-1911
CLBC is an incorporated non-profit civic association located in the Clear Lake (Bay) Area of Houston, Texas
Inquiries about Membership, Education, Games? Club experience?Contact us with this email or call the club at 281-480-1911.
Clear Lake Bridge Club is a sanctioned member of the ACBL, District 16, Unit 174.
Claudia Parr
Next time you see Claudia say "THANK YOU" for helping make our Club a place of friendship and fun! And if it seems like we are a 'well-oiled machine' are right..because of all the daily behind-the-scenes work.
Claudia is one of our many behind-the-scene volunteers. She maintains our monthly calendar...this is a bigger job than you might imagine. Along with the printed calendar made available at the club and posted on our website, Claudia manages &/or tracks the club organizational tasks that are listed each month:
Identifying the Special Games--a complex task.
Posting the Game Directors and tracking changes.
Showing the local Regional and Sectional Tournaments.
Claudia also works with Steve Lowenkron at the beginning of each year to print the Club Directory that is provided free to all of our Members.
Here is a Big One...Claudia served on our Board and is a former President! She is among the group who participated in the acquisition/permitting of our building. In addition to the critical organizational tasks she has performed EVERY MONTH for years...she finds time to occasionally make treats for parties! Aren't we lucky to have her?!
YES! We still do have a few Virtual Club games for CHOOSE HOUSTON! Mainly we offer Evening Games and Mentor Games. These games are hosted by Bridge Club of Houston.
The ACBL has relaxed the rules of participation so ANYONE can play...invite your out-of-town friends and family!
Virtual Club Games
Open Games Pairs
Tues, Thurs, & Sat 7:00 PM
Mentor Games
1st & 3rd Mondays 7:00 PM
Special Games for Future Life Masters (FLM)
Assisted play Second Saturdays at 9:00 AM
In Person Games
Game Fees:
Members $6.00
NonMembers $7.00
Open Pairs
Open Teams
749er Pairs
299er Pairs
Eight is Enough
Sunday Teams
When: Sunday, Sept 8th
(see game setup below)
Mentor Mentee Game
When: Sept 18th
1:30 PM Lunch
2:10 PM GAME
for Game and Lunch
Sign up at club
Bridge Lab
Supervised Practice
When: TUES & SUN
2:00 - 5:00
Price: $8.00
Effective May 8, 2023, CLBC will no longer require Covid Vaccination as a condition for in-person play. We are making this change in alignment with the ACBL policy.
THAT SAID, we implore our Members who are ill, running a fever or otherwise "under the weather" to stay away from the club until they are symptom free. None of us want to be exposed to colds, flu or other communicable conditions...please be considerate of others!
Eight is Enough Team Game!
Get your Teams together using the below format
All players are assigned a number 1, 2, or 3 depending on their masterpoint level:
Level 1
Players with less than 750 mps
Level 2
Players with 750 to 2000 mps
Level 3
Players with over 2000 mps